Distributor of Coin Acceptors and Parts for the Laundry Industry

Distributor of Coin Acceptors and Parts for the Laundry Industry

Distributor of coin acceptors and parts for the laundry industry. These devices verify a coin’s authenticity based on characteristics like weight, size and magnetic properties.

Once validated the coin acceptor returns its result via two bytes to coin acceptor supplier the machine controller, i.e. the validation channel and error code. It’s important to understand this relationship when interfacing with coin acceptors.

Faceplate or Chassis Mount

Whether you are building a vending machine, charging admission to your next game or just charging some pocket change for using your computer a coin acceptor is a great way to get things started. These devices validate coins and then send an electrical signal to the controller that indicates what coin has been inserted and how much it is worth.

These units are programmable by using a simple to use 7-segment display and buttons. They can be programmed to recognize different coin profiles by reading the thickness, diameter and fall time of each coin inserted into the system. They are also able to read the serial output from each coin, this is the unique identifier that will identify it as either a valid or rejected coin.

Many of these units are a chassis mount and will have a metal housing to house the coin acceptor and include features like motor reject to open the coin acceptor door to clear a jam, anti-pin to stop foreign objects being inserted into the coin acceptor, and routing options for where the coins are sent after validation. They may also have a coin escrow to hold coins in the event of an error.

The majority of these units will support most popular currencies but it is best to check that the currency you are using is supported before purchasing as they can require a software update (also known as a “coinset”) to be added to their list of accepted coins. Some manufacturers will charge for this update and others require a special programming cable or tool to reprogram the unit.

Acceptance Level vs Rejected Coins

Having a coin acceptor in your machine might seem like a hassle, but it can also be a lucrative revenue stream. It’s important to be aware of what type of coins your customers are bringing to your establishment so that you can offer them an acceptable form of payment. Research has shown that using coins as a means of payment slows down any queue by an average of 2.5 seconds per person. This may not seem like a lot, but it adds up when you consider large crowds of people who are waiting to use the machine.

Dedicated auxiliary devices can be used for managing rejected coins and their value. These devices are operatively connected to the coin processing machine for a static look at each rejected coin for authentication, fitness and/or validation. The auxiliary Game console supplier device can be a high resolution imaging sensor capable of obtaining a magnetic response from the coin to verify its magnetic properties.

In some cases, one group of reject coins consists of counterfeit and stranger coins that have been mischaracterized by the machine. The auxiliary device can be used to evaluate this first group for authenticity and make sure that no genuine fit coins are erroneously characterized as stranger or counterfeit. If this analysis is successful, the second group comprising rejected coins that appear to be fit and genuine can be reprocessed by running them through the machine for two or more additional passes at different mode sensor sensitivity levels.